lördag 1 november 2008

En anledning till att vilja vara Alexa Chung.

"I get goodies every week, and it's dreamy, but I'm given so much I feel guilty. Cosmetics companies usually get it right -- I get lots of black eyeliner. But it's not all good. Sometimes I open a bag and it's full of diamanté jeans Victoria Beckham would love, and I think: "Why do you hate me?" Then the other day I got a whole load of stuff from Moschino and it was like the best day of my life. When I was modelling I used to lust after things I could never afford, and I used to think: "Imagine being Keira Knightley and getting sent all this stuff..." So when I open my door and there's a Louis Vuitton bag, I'm like: "Yes!"

- Alexa Chung

livet är hårt ibland, livet är hårt.

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